Our Services

Root Canal Therapy

This procedure is used to save your tooth when a filling will not suffice. The root canal is a space within the center of the tooth and root containing blood vessels and other tissues. These tissues can become inflamed causing tooth discomfort and infection. The removal of these diseased tissues through the top of the tooth and the appropriate management of the canal space are the key components of root canal therapy.

For more information please contact our office at 506.384.3636

Endodontic Retreatment

This procedure may be necessary if a previously root canal treated tooth presents with ongoing problems. Difficult to manage root canal anatomy or leakage under a filling or crown can result in the need for renewed endodontic treatment. Filling material can be removed from the root canal and the renewed management of the canal space will be undertaken to promote healing.

For more information please contact our office at 506.384.3636


If a previously root canal treated tooth becomes an issue, endodontic retreatment may be the first option considered. However, if the root cannot be easily addressed through the top of the tooth, a minor surgical procedure through the gum near the tooth can be performed. This allows for the tip of the root to be sealed in order to prevent infection from entering the surrounding gum and bone.

For more information please contact our office at 506.384.3636

Traumatic Injuries

Bumps and blows to your teeth can result in damage to the tooth root and the dental pulp tissue it contains. Management of traumatic tooth injuries can require tooth stabilization with splints and endodontic management of the tooth with root canal therapy if the damage is severe enough to cause irreversible pulpal inflammation.

For more information please contact our office at 506.384.3636

Cracked Teeth

Tooth pain on biting with or without temperature sensitivity could be caused by a cracked tooth. Often there may be a memory of an incident in which the tooth was traumatized by biting on a hard object. Cracked teeth can also occur as a result of nighttime tooth grinding. Treatment may be as simple as a new filling, a root canal treatment followed by a crown, or an extraction depending on the severity of the crack. Root canal treatment may need to be initiated with the help of surgical microscopes to assess the extent of a crack.

For more information please contact our office at 506.384.3636

Separated Instruments

Rarely, the fine instruments used to clean the tooth root can separate in the canal during root canal treatment. This may require referral to an endodontist for proper management and treatment of the tooth.

For more information please contact our office at 506.384.3636

Perforation Repair

Holes in the tooth crown or root of a tooth can present as the result of a disease process or as a complication of attempted root canal treatment. These situations can often be managed with the knowledge and skills provided by an experienced endodontist.

For more information please contact our office at 506.384.3636

Non-vital Bleaching

Dead teeth can often have a dark appearance that is not considered cosmetically appealing. These teeth can be whitened following appropriate assessment and treatment of their endodontic status.

For more information please contact our office at 506.384.3636


Many people are anxious concerning dental treatment. We provide sedation for those needing anxiety relief during treatment. This can be accomplished by oral drug delivery or by our acupuncture sedation protocol. Oral drug delivery requires the patient to be accompanied by someone to and from the dental appointment while acupuncture sedation does not present any restrictions following treatment.

For more information please contact our office at 506.384.3636

Dental Point therapy

This treatment for pain or dysfunction uses acupuncture and reflex points to promote healing. Very often, body points a distance away from the problem area are used to bring about healing. Several sessions may be required in a relaxed clinical setting.

For more information please contact our office at 506.384.3636

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